Cowen Blackberry Farms

Our family’s desire has always been to own and operate a family farm.

In 2001, our dream came true when we made our purchase – Cowen Farms located at 17 Skyler Lane, Bradford TN.

For the next nine years, we focused on hay production. Let us say a great big “THANK YOU” to all of our loyal customers for your support.

Then, in 2010, we decided to take the leap into BLACKBERRIES.

Blackberries are a very healthy fruit, Picking Blackberries bring back fun childhood memories, and best of all – Blackberries taste great!

Blackberry cobbler, Blackberry jam, Blackberry ice cream… You name it — We LOVE ’em all!

Thanks for sharing!


  • Blackberry

Open Season: June, July.


Driving Directions